Congratulations on your pregnancy
This is a maternity information website provided for women of Porirua and surrounding areas.
Does midwifery care cost
Midwifery care is free.
Maternity care is fully funded for New Zealand and some Australian citizens and permanent residents, and some work visa holders. If your partner meets one of these criteria and you don't, your care may still be funded. For a full list of who is eligible, please see this government website.
Fully-funded public service
Our maternity care structure in New Zealand consists of midwives, obstetricians, and GPs. As there are few GPs who offer funded maternity care, most women will choose a midwife. If you choose to have a midwife, your care is free as midwives are funded as the specialists in normal pregnancy, birth, and postnatal care. Should you need the input of an obstetrician while you are in the care of a midwife, this will also be free of charge as obstetricians are funded as the specialists of complications arising during pregnancy and birth. If the obstetrician needs to refer you on to another specialist, this is also part of your free maternity care service. You will not be charged for your maternity care when booking with a midwife, and all medical services will be available if they are indicated.
User-pays private service
If you choose to book with an obstetrician and not a midwife, you will be charged by the obstetrician as this is not a fully funded service. Obstetricians vary in what they charge for their care. While under the care of an obstetrician, you will also usually see a midwife at your appointments. A hospital midwife will provide your labour care, with obstetricians usually attending periodically for assessment of progress and for the delivery. Obstetricians do not offer postnatal care at home, although some may offer a follow up clinic appointment after birth. You will have hospital midwives offer your postnatal care at home, or can arrange your own postnatal midwife. Some obstetricians have arrangements with midwives to offer postnatal care. Postnatal midwifery care is fully funded (free).
Community testing: labs and scans
Part of the care offered during pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period includes the offer of laboratory tests (blood, urine and swabs), and scans.
Lab tests are carried out free of charge in the community.
Some scans do come with a fee approx $60-90 depending on where it is done and what the scan is for. Your scan provider will be able to inform you.